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Marking the passing of Queen Elizabeth II
Everyone at Sir Peter Hall School join the nation in paying tribute to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. She showed incredible service, dedication and devotion and was an inspiration to us all.
Purchasing Our Uniform
Our uniform can be purchased directly from PMG Schoolwear. Please follow the link below to open the website in a new browser tab:
For more information about our uniform please visit our School Uniform Page.
Through unity there is strength
Through recent times, the strength, resilience and humanity that can be achieved through cooperation and unity has been exemplified in so many ways, from the exceptional way that our staff and young people have weathered the storm of the pandemic to their extraordinary achievements in it’s wake and the unifying event that has been the Queen’s platinum jubilee. The Unity Schools Partnership’s 2022 summer arts festival celebrates this sense of unity and the creativity of the young people across our partnership.
Celebrate with us and look at the incredible work our students from across the trust have created and been a part of from the padlet below.
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Founding pupils invited to make their mark!
Last week we had a fantastic meeting with Morgan Sindall, the building contractors, who not only took the time to show us around the new school but have also offered to support us with activities and tours in July. We would like to invite children accompanied by a parent / carer / school representative to meet us and to make a plaster memento as one of the founding pupils to attend Sir Peter Hall School. There will be four sessions in total and will need to be booked for health and safety reasons:
- Wednesday 13th July at 10:00am or 1:30pm
- Wednesday 20th July at 10:00am or 1:30pm
If you have any questions or would like to reserve a place, please contact Carol Steed at csteed@sphschool.org
We are delighted to announce that we have been deemed ready to open by both the Local Authority and Ofsted. We had our pre-opening Ofsted inspection on Monday 13th June where we were judged against the Independent Schools’ Standards and found to be ready to open. This inspection is different to usual Ofsted inspections and we don’t get a grade, simply a judgment as to whether or not we meet standards for opening – and I am very pleased to report that we do.
A thank you from our headteacher, Catharine Wensley…
I would like to say a big thank you to everyone who has supported the Sir Peter Hall School journey towards our opening this September. It is was very exciting to see the windows being fitted when I visited the site last week and to meet the construction team who are doing an amazing job.
The local community have had to put up with road closures and building work on their doorstep and we are very grateful to them for their patience. We look forward to being very good neighbours once we open our doors.
We are proud to be members of Unity Schools Partnership – and this is not just a partnership in name. Sybil Andrews Academy and Abbots Green Primary Academy have hosted our staff interviews and helped us to recruit our founding team of staff.
So many great people have been interested in joining us to set up the new school – with an impressive range of skills and passion for educating young people with Social Emotional and Mental Health needs. I would like to thank everyone who has applied for roles and for the energy and enthusiasm shown during the recruitment process.
Thank you again to everyone for your help and support to date. We are looking forward to working together with you all, and our entire community, to provide an excellent education for our first intake of Sir Peter Hall stars.
For details on how to apply for a place at Sir Peter Hall School please visit our Admissions Page.