Sir Peter Hall School
Sir Peter Hall school is an 80-place school for students aged 9-16 years old with social, emotional and mental health difficulties and who also may have other additional needs such as Autistic Spectrum (ASD), Oppositional Defiance Disorder (ODD), Attention Deficit Hyper Disorder (ADHD), Emotional Based School Avoidance (EBSA).
The school is run by Unity Schools Partnership and is based on a mainstream model of education with an SEMH specialism. The overarching vision for the school is to provide individualised support for all students and prepare them to become successful independent adults who know they can make a positive contribution to their community, becoming valuable members of a society.
We believe that an ambitious, well-planned curriculum is essential for not only achieving successful academic outcomes but also in effectively meeting the social, emotional and mental health needs of our learners. The broad range of the National Curriculum will be followed because we aspire for the pupils to achieve high educational standards.
There will also be enriching elements to the curriculum including carefully selected interventions to enable the children to become self-regulating, self-aware and socially and emotionally mature. Whilst we appreciate that the pupils will have additional needs and present with additional challenges, we see no reason to lower our expectations of both what they can achieve and the outcomes which are possible for them.